Friday, March 27, 2015

Permission to use song is granted!

Today was awesome because I got permission to use the song "One Of Those Summer Days" by the group Rhye in my film opening.

I began emailing the manager of the band right when this project began but they finally got back to me with the okay today. I explained in an email that it would be used for educational purposes and that no profit whatsoever would be made off of the opening and so they were okay with it.

This is great because I really envisioned the first 30 seconds of the song as a nice background music for the initial establishing shots of my opening, and now I can edit them into my film!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Filming Establishing Shots

Today I finally filmed some establishing shots for the very beginning of my film. These will be the first shots that appear in the opening and they are the visual that juxtapose the radio excerpts I recorded.

I biked around my town and took shots that emphasized the perfection and intense planning that goes into the town such as perfect gardens, paved roads, etc.

I still need to get a few more shots in order to have enough footage but it was a good start today and now these are the only shots I have left to film so I can fully focus on editing the final opening.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Filming Margarita's Mom side of the phone conversation

Today I filmed the other side of the phone conversation. Previously I had filmed the main character which my cousin played for me and who is the character that moves to the United States and has the job of finding the medication that her mother in Venezuela needs but is unable to get ahold of.

My cousin who plays Margarita the protagonist has a phone call with her mother who lives in Venezuela as she moves into her new home. Initially when I visualized the movie, there would only be audio of the mother's side of the conversation but in order to make it more visually appealing with shot counter shots, I asked my mother if she could play the mother in my movie.

We filmed the scene with a yellow wall in my house in order to add warmth and a nice color to the scene, and I placed a Virgin Mary in the shot in order to show a symbol of Catholicism that is often associated with Latin American countries. This could potentially create a distinction between the United States and Venezuela. I also asked my mother to dress as most typically Latin American as she could. The background of the mother's scene is purposefully a closed off shot in order to convey the idea that living in Venezuela restricts the people, while Margarita speaks on a porch outside conveying that she is free now and can choose her own destiny.